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Favorite Spots in Praha

November 13, 2013
by CEA CAPA Content Creator
It is hard for me to narrow down a few of my favorite places in Praha. One of my goals upon arriving here was to try as many different restaurants, cafes, parks, and places as possible.. so I try not to return to the same place more than a few times. Despite this rule, I've already formed a few favorites that remind me why I enjoy this city so much.

A quick walk from Anglo American University is the spot down by the river where the swans reside. It is a great view of the city and has multiple benches, or a nice hill one can sit on and relax. It isn't uncommon for a recently married couple to take photos at this location, which adds to its charm. If you are feeling brave you can even attempt to pet a swan, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Another location that shows a great view of the city is the Metronome structure on top of Letna park. At night the view of the city lights among the starry sky is stunning, and an easy way to lose track of a few hours. This location of the structure has a lot of history of past sculptures that is worth looking into.

I enjoy going to a park when I have free time. There is a park nearby my apartment, Riegrovy Sady, that catches the sunset over the city at an exceptional angle. There is an opening through the trees, which you are able to see the city of Prague. There are also more great parks located on Petřín Hill with gorgeous views.

I am a Wisconsin girl, so I know what a good brat tastes like. However, I have had probably one of the best tasting sausages in Wenceslas Square. There are huts set up all over the square with sausages ranging from Old Prague Sausage to Spicy. This is one of my favorite spots to quick grab a sausage or even a scrumptious Old Prague Pie, which are warm chocolate or cheese filled dough, that is deep fried.

Another location I enjoy is the AAUNI Library, with its cozy feel. It is an awesome spot to settle down and get some homework done or just curl up in a chair and read a book. The ceiling, Persian rugs, and fireplace add to it’s appeal.

Lastly, if you enjoy people watching, Prague is the place for you. I enjoy standing (I found out the hard way you are not allowed to sit) on the Charles Bridge or sitting on a curb in Old Town Square. Unless it is raining, bundles of people are bound to be walking by. The amount of languages spoken, variety of outfits, and random poses for pictures always seem to amaze me. The magic of the city at these two locations are amplified at night, because the hustle and bustle is still going along in addition to the twinkle of the lights.

Lisa Jordahl is the Fall 2013 CEA MOJO in Prague, Czech Republic. She is currently a senior at St. Norbert College

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